Vincent Jackson

Independent candidate for Ballyfermot-Drimnagh

How would you help get more housing built in the city – especially social and affordable housing?

I have in the past supported every Social Housing project in my electoral area even when not fully supported by the community I live and represent. Housing is an essential part of the life of every human hence all our publicly owned lands and private lands when made available need to be developed with high quality housing and managed to an exceptional standard to ensure good sustainable communities.  

How would you help improve conditions in existing housing, both social and privately rented?

We need to fund retro fitting of all housing stock to ensure high levels on insulation and energy efficiency. Fuel Poverty is a huge problem with people in low income`s particularly prone to living in poor conditions. Quality of life isa real issue for persons suffering living in cold homes.

What would you do to help make the city feel less dirty, tackling the rubbish and dog poo all over the streets?

We need to have a national conversation on the problem of littering / dog poo both are particularly bad in the City of Dublin proper litter enforcement is essential however this scourge will not be addressed just by fines / prosecutions. Civic pride / awareness is something that needs to be addressed in the Education system, the recent introduction of a returnable deposit on plastic bottles / aluminium cans  will help but awareness on the dangers of littering is a vital step in addressing this issue. 

What would you do to help tackle vacancy and dereliction?

There is small pockets of dereliction in our communities and the way to try and address this issue is in some instances is allowing the property owners to change the use of say an old pub / retail premises into living accommodation where no movement is forthcoming from owners that the Local Authority compulsory purchases the premises and re-purposes the building for various community / housing / cultural uses. 

What needs to be done to make the city feel safer?

Focused interventions on areas of the city where unemployment / poverty is rife, providing sporting and recreation facilities, youth services and educational opportunities which allow path-ways where all can reach their full potential. We need to ensure sufficient Garda numbers and resources are available to allow people feel safe in their city and community. The use of Garda Youth Diversion Projects and ASBO`s should be used as a vehicle to address problems. Proper CCTV system for our city and communities has had a positive effect in other areas of the World hopefully this could be duplicated here.

What needs to be done to improve public transport in the city?

I love good quality reliable and affordable public transport, the T 90 fare is a great addition in using public transport however we need to provide capital expenditure over many years to expand the Luas , Dart and develop an underground system if Dublin is grow to its full potential, the traffic mess that is Dublin Airport in a case in point 32 million passengers annually and no tram / train system to bring you into the City is no longer acceptable. We need to start somewhere as it will never be cheap to built however the consequences of not building a world class transport system is to condemn Dublin to the 2nd / 3rd rate Cities of the World.

What should be done to make it nicer and safer for people to get around the city on foot and by bike?

Good pedestrian streets with high visibility policing, cycle lanes, public bathrooms, seating all provide opportunities to see the City in a different light and whilst trying to restrict all through motor traffic we need to ensure that we don`t kill the retail heart of the city which is vital in keeping the businesses going. Since Covid a large number of office blocks have struggled to regain the footfall lost and this might provide opportunities for the re-purposing of office blocks into sustainable accommodation as we need to breath life back to many areas in the City centre core. 

What would you do to help counter the rise of the far right, anti-immigrant and anti-LGBTQ+ hate, and anti-asylum-seeker arsons?

My family were subjected to serious intimidation last year in relation to a large group of people who marched on my home and various local schools with misinformation about new communities. I often have to remind people about my own families need to travel for work etc, I have 3 family members living in the USA and at one stage 4 of my 5 brothers and my late father worked in Britain because there was no work in Ireland can you imagine what out health service would look like if we did not have nurses from the Philippines, Doctors from Asis / Africa we need to respect that we live in a global economy where people will always try and find a better life. If we are to build the houses and infrastructure, we need in the coming years we will need to attract in workers from all over the World otherwise we will never delver what is needed. I totally deplore all forms of hate particularly hate focused towards the marginalised in society, people from the LGBTQ community should feel safe to live their lives without any fear hence we need to have laws there with address hate crimes and those responsible need to be brought before the courts. The recent burning of centres / accommodation identified as possible sites to house asylum seekers is a new low in our country and I am happy to see some of those responsible are before the courts.