Malachy Quinn

Sinn Féin candidate for Balbriggan

How would you help get more housing built in Fingal?

I firstly will be identifying council lands in my LEA which are serviced adjacent to existing council housing for infill development - I had success previously in this which resulted in development in Balbriggan, Castlelands & Balrothery. These resulted in the development of 62 homes. The larger scale areas will be identified by the Sinn Féin team, with the strong team of Councillors using their combined knowledge & influence to push for more council building rather than relying on the private market & Part 5 Allocation.

What would you do to help make sure adequate amenities and services would be added along with any new housing built?

During my previous term on Fingal County Council between 2014 -2019, I was instrumental in pushing for a Master Plan for Castlelands in Balbriggan, As part of the masterplan, a public consultation was undertaken which gave voice to the local community in relations to requirements for schools, open spaces, medical services etc.

I worked with local residents associations in regards to lobbying for such services. These have been planned for & with the Castleland Masterplan to get underway this year, I am eager to return to the council to safeguard all the essential amenities & services called for by the local area. I will also look to do this in any future master plans.

What are your views are on Dublin Airport’s current operations and its proposed expansion?

I am very concerned about the impact on the local communities & support my party colleagues Louise O'Reilly TD & sitting Councillor Ann Graves in this.

What needs to be done to improve public transport in Fingal?

The continuing delays in Metro North & slow progress in the Dart extension to Balbriggan is at odds with the massive increase in population across Fingal.

As part of a Sinn Féin team in Fingal, I will be pushing for the work of the recent public consultation to be prioritised & its findings acted upon. The RPA's cost benefit analysis proved that this project was worth the considerable investment and the current climate for the construction industry means that the work required will continue to increase in cost, therefore we need to expedite the process . Other projects under consideration are not shovel ready and do not offer the wide ranging benefits to the city that Metro North does.

What should be done to make it nicer and safer for people to get around the city on foot and by bike?

The greater investment in walkways & cycleways has been undertaken by Fingal, but there is always opportunities to put in place perimeter walking & cycling ways at the early stages of projects such as the Bremore Regional Park, as with many more clubs forming resulting following the end of the lockdown period, greater investment & greater emphasis on our mental well being should be a factor in developing the county development plan in regards to walkways & cycleways, I will very much prioritise this as I had previously in the last two plans.

What should be done to make the roads safer for all road users?

One of the main concerns by myself is the safety of Children around Schools during school hours, the schools team within the council needs greater investment to facilitate the works that need to be undertaken to make the areas around our schools safer, As a parent of 3 school going children, this is a priority for myself if elected.

How would you help create more natural green spaces and promote biodiversity in Fingal?

I would look to put in place a larger fund to support our Tidy Towns & environmental groups across Fingal as well as an increase in the budget for detection of illegal dumping through roving CCTV cameras. An increased budget allocation to rewilding key open spaces must be undertaken to counteract the extensive development across the local authority area

How would you help get more parks and sports facilities built in Fingal?

I would utilise the planning process & the development levies to increase spaces for the range of clubs across my LEA. There is a lesser priority on shared sports spaces as well as facilities than what is required for such sports as Cricket, Soccer, GAA & Rugby. It is important that such associations are supported so they can support our every increasing young population