Dean Mulligan

Independents4Change candidate for Swords

How would you help get more housing built in Fingal?

To address the housing shortage in Fingal, I propose a multifaceted approach centred around the establishment of a state-built entity dedicated to constructing affordable homes. I would advocate for a shift towards a public housing model.

By prioritising public housing, we can ensure that affordable homes are accessible to all residents. This includes working with developers who we will have to work with to ensure that new housing developments include a mix of social, affordable, and private housing options. The state build entity would work by collaborating with local contractors and small businesses to build homes at scale, in batches of 50 or 100, to streamline build times and mitigate risks. Additionally, I would advocate for policies that incentivise the construction of public housing developments, a community engagement focused planning processes, and allocate sufficient funding for housing initiatives.

What would you do to help make sure adequate amenities and services would be added along with any new housing built?

To ensure that adequate amenities and services accompany new housing developments, I would prioritise community consultation and engagement throughout the planning process. This involves working closely with local residents and community groups to identify their needs and preferences regarding amenities such as schools, healthcare facilities, public transportation, parks, and recreational spaces. I would also make sure all developer or entities contributions are used to fund the construction of essential amenities as part of any new housing developments.

Furthermore, I would advocate for a proactive approach where amenities are planned and implemented in tandem with or prior to housing developments to ensure that residents have access to essential services from the outset.

What are your views are on Dublin Airport’s current operations and its proposed expansion?

My views on Dublin Airport's current operations and proposed expansion are centred around balancing the airport's economic benefits with its environmental and community impacts. While I recognise the importance of Dublin Airport as a hub for travel and commerce, I believe that any expansion plans must be carefully evaluated to minimize noise pollution, air pollution, and traffic congestion in surrounding communities. Additionally, I would advocate for increased investment in sustainable transportation options to reduce reliance on private cars for airport access.

I have serious concerns about Dublin Airport's current operations and its proposed expansion plans. Its bypassing of planning applications and implications on flightpaths due to safetycases. The airport's operations have significant environmental and health impacts, including noise pollution and air pollution, which adversely affect adjacent communities.

Furthermore, the lack of live particle monitoring in nearby areas is alarming, considering the potential health effects. I am opposed to the proposed expansion unless stringent measures are put in place to mitigate these impacts. Additionally, I support implementing taxes on airlines' fuel (kerosene) to incentivise the adoption of greener alternatives and reduce environmental harm.

What needs to be done to improve public transport in Fingal?

Improving public transport in Fingal requires a radical overhaul of existing infrastructure and services. This includes investing in rural connectivity, upgrading distributor roads to main dual carriageways and motorways, and enhancing strategic infrastructure.

Additionally, I advocate for the implementation of greener and more efficient public transport options to encourage modal shift away from private cars. Expanding bus and rail networks, improving frequency and reliability, and incentivising the use of public transport through fare subsidies and infrastructure improvements. This can only be achieved if both economically, for work life balance, and time saving people feel able to get out of cars and onto public transport. This requires trust, fast efficient and cost effective services which is but a pipe dream in Ireland at present. Even though it is essential for the climate.

We have rural communities isolated without basic infrastructure like footpaths, adequate roads and bus services, if these basics are not achievable I worry about public transport infrastructure and how we can achieve it.

What should be done to make it nicer and safer for people to get around the city on foot and by bike?

Creating safer and more pleasant walking and cycling environments requires a comprehensive approach that prioritises infrastructure improvements and traffic management measures. In rural, urban and suburban areas. The current town centre model only slows down traffic in town centres creates back logs and doesn’t deal with local areas which are unsafe to walk and cycle from in the first place.

We need to have basic infrastructure and footpaths in all towns and villages as a standard before we try to connect towns to areas that they cannot serve, due to infrastructure deficits. This includes investing in dedicated cycling lanes, pedestrian-friendly streetscapes, and traffic calming measures in rural areas and distributor roads into main thoroughfares.

Additionally, I support implementing average speed zones and cameras to deter dangerous driving behaviours such as texting while driving. By prioritising active transportation and promoting road safety, we can create healthier and more sustainable communities.

What should be done to make the roads safer for all road users?

To improve road safety for all users, we need to implement a combination of measures aimed at reducing accidents and promoting responsible driving behaviour. This includes enhancing infrastructure such as segregated cycleways, pedestrian crossings, and traffic calming measures. Natural measures like the design manual for urban roads, create natural solutions to slow down traffic in residential areas. By narrowing exits, shortening turning radius etc.

Additionally, I advocate for the implementation of stricter enforcement measures, including more improved signage, lighting, average speed zones and cameras to detect and penalise dangerous driving behaviours. Education and awareness campaigns are also essential to promote safe driving practices and reduce the risk of accidents and fatalities on our roads.

How would you help create more natural green spaces and promote biodiversity in Fingal?

Promoting natural green spaces and biodiversity in Fingal requires a coordinated effort to protect and enhance existing habitats while creating new ones. I support the creation of green belts that connect towns and villages and immerse them in natural biodiversity. Similar to the planned green bet in Swords we as local councillors are pursing. This includes preserving existing green spaces, planting native trees and vegetation, and restoring natural habitats.

Additionally, I would support community-led initiatives to create urban gardens, wildlife habitats, and green corridors to enhance biodiversity and improve the quality of life for residents.

Furthermore, I advocate for sustainable land management practices that prioritize biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration. Making a conscious effort to expend areas and create permeability and access in the most environmentally friendly manner and reduce HGV use on large scale regional park developments as much as possible, like the ward rivervalley regional park project.

How would you help get more parks and sports facilities built in Fingal?

To increase the availability of parks and sports facilities in Fingal, I would prioritise investment in recreational infrastructure and facilities. I would work to secure funding for new construction projects, partner with local community groups and sports organisations to identify suitable locations and prioritise investment in recreational infrastructure. Sports clubs have the knowledge and desire to expand we need to utilise their knowledge. I would advocate for partnerships with sports clubs, schools, and community organisations to maximize the use of existing facilities and promote active lifestyles. By prioritising parks and sports facilities, we can create healthier and more vibrant communities in Fingal.

I would advocate for inclusive and accessible design standards to ensure that parks and sports facilities are accessible to people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.

Additionally, looking at sports that are not physical or outdoor in nature. Like chess, pool, snooker, darts amongst a myriad of others should also be facilitated.