Corina Johnston

Labour Party candidate for Rush-Lusk

How would you help get more housing built in Fingal?

I would support for planning laws to ensure housing planning permissions are on a use or lose basis so that developers can't sit on land or use the planning permission to flip land on etc so that housing that is approved actually gets built. I would also support restrictions in Air BnB, short- term lets which would make a positive impact on the rental accommodation availability. I would ensure there is a comprehensive plan for the council to deal with vacancy and dereliction and push the council to hire sufficient staff in relevant departments to ensure this happen. 

What would you do to help make sure adequate amenities and services would be added along with any new housing built?

Many areas are struggling with lack of school and crèche places, provision of indoor community facilities and basic services despite National policy stipulating infrastructure and services be provided in tandem with development. Infrastructure and services are not coming quick enough to meet the needs of current and future residents in many areas. If elected I will ensure that objectives in Local Area Plans and the Development Plan for infrastructure are prioritised and adhered too. I recently initiated a campaign for the provision of a much needed Arts, Youth and Cultural centre for Donabate which is an objective in the area plan and which FCC seem to be reneging upon. I will ensure crèches, schools and other facilities are conditioned in planning permission to be constructed or land transferred for schools at the earliest possible time in all developments and that planning conditions are adhered to. I would also push for the bond system to be examined to establish if the council is setting this at high enough level to incentivise developers to deliver on planning conditions.

What are your views are on Dublin Airport’s current operations and its proposed expansion?

In relation to Dublin Airport’s current operations it is very clear that since the North Runway opened aircraft are not adhering to the approved flight paths. This is leading to unacceptable noise pollution for people living in the Rush Lusk electoral area. Adherence to planning conditions is essential. Before expansion of the airport can even be considered we need to sort out the existing chaotic access problem in and around the airport. It is virtually impossible to book a parking space near the airport. The proposed metro link will be indispensable and it should have been commenced years ago. We need to strike a balance between sustainability and connectivity. We have legally enforceable carbon budgets that must be complied with. If expansion is to take place in the future it must be done incrementally and only after a rigorous consultation process. 

What needs to be done to improve public transport in Fingal?

Fingal is one of fastest growing areas in the country. Increased capacity and frequency on the Northern commuter rail line must be prioritised and delivered as soon as possible. Many commuters are returning to their cars to travel to work as the trains are full especially at peak times. For example - According to census 2022 the percentage of commuters using public transport in Donabate and Portrane is down on census 2016. Inadequate bus and rail services are pushing commuters to drive to work. 24 hour bus services to city centre and airport are needed. Earlier trains on weekends are required to facilitate shift workers travelling to work. Services to DCU are also needed from across North County Dublin. Delivery of the metro project is imperative and a push for future public transport provision which links up populous areas of Fingal - eg imagine trying to get from Swords County Hall to the Blanchardstown Civic Offices by public transport? There is no link at all between the North County and the D15 area which forces vast amounts of traffic on to the M1 and M50. I intend to pursue these issues with the National Transport Authority and Bus and rail companies. 

What should be done to make it nicer and safer for people to get around the city on foot and by bike?

Cats eyes must be provided on secondary roads, additional street lights, traffic calming measures in certain locations and Improved signage. I would campaign for road safety for cyclists as well to ensure the use of lights in the evening etc . 

What should be done to make the roads safer for all road users?

Many areas across Fingal have inadequate and unsafe footpaths and roads. Provision of cycle and pedestrian paths must be prioritised to encourage people to walk/cycle. Walking and cycling buses to schools should be encouraged where possible. Children should be able to walk or cycle to school safely. This is not the case in many parts of Fingal. I intend to pursue this vigorously if elected. 

How would you help create more natural green spaces and promote biodiversity in Fingal?

Create community gardens. Planting trees, flowers, and other plants, wherever space is available. Plant native plants. Create Habitat for Pollinators. Have a community green awareness day. To promote biodiversity-Cease or Limit the Use of Pesticides.Support our local farms. Encourage creation of Wetlands. Leave Grassland Unfertilised. Plant Native Trees and Shrubs. Let Dandelions Grow. Introduce Biodiversity Friendly Mowing. 

How would you help get more parks and sports facilities built in Fingal?

Make the case for specific capital projects in the co co. capital programme especially for areas of high population increase around Fingal. Make sure that all sports clubs and relevant bodies are aware of national sports grants available- speak to FCC about strategic land acquisitions that could be made for use of sports facilities in the future. Push for swimming pools in the capital programme.