Angela Shafer

Labour Party candidate for Cabra-Glasnevin

How would you help get more housing built in the city – especially social and affordable housing?

Support the provision of social and affordable housing on publicly owned land alongside increased cost rental provision. Our target is 20,000 publicly delivered homes a year.

Seek to increase Council borrowings for investment in social and affordable housing. Seek binding social housing delivery targets in each annual Budget, and a recognition in the Development Plan of the projected social and affordable housing needs over its duration and in particular recognise that a growing percentage of public housing needs to be dedicated to older people.

How would you help improve conditions in existing housing, both social and privately rented?

Ensure repairs are carried out by the Council within three months and seek a rolling programme of estate management and improvement including retrofitting and energy efficiency measures. Provide more resources for the inspection of private rental tenancies by local authorities as data shows huge levels of non-compliance.

What would you do to help make the city feel less dirty, tackling the rubbish and dog poo all over the streets?

Propose new byelaws on dog fouling to strengthen the ability for fines to be levied through a zero tolerance approach, with intensive enforcement “brown zones” for streets and roads where persistent offending occurs. Propose a poster campaign that emphasises the public health risks of dog fouling. Advocate for a new role of Community Warden to be a familiar face in every locality. There is also a need to hire more litter wardens, traffic wardens and dog wardens.

What would you do to help tackle vacancy and dereliction?

Introduce minimum turnaround time targets of 4 months for vacant houses and voids, with clear reporting every month. The current average reletting time is 35 weeks. Seek details on the number of properties owned by the Council not included in void figures due to listing for demolition or other purpose. 

What needs to be done to make the city feel safer?

Labour Councillors will work to improve the relationship between local councils and the Gardaí, and to promote community policing. Labour Councillors will:

  • Promote and facilitate more local policing forums at neighbourhood level to reconnect local people to their Community Gardai. 
  • Support more Home Security schemes to be put in place to help people, especially older members of our community, upgrade the locks and security systems on their homes.  
  • Insist on good planning standards in terms of safe and well-lit, inclusive public spaces that prevent the development of anti-social behaviour black spots. 
  • Work with Drug and Alcohol Taskforces at local and regional levels to ensure communities are resourced.

What needs to be done to improve public transport in the city?

Labour councillors will propose new solutions to extend services and improve journey times including:  

  • Ensure new junction designs prioritise pedestrians and cyclists first, then buses. 
  • Seek extended evening and early morning services, especially at peak times like Christmas and at weekends. 
  • Introduce monthly car-free days in urban centres.

What should be done to make it nicer and safer for people to get around the city on foot and by bike?

Active Travel: Labour councillors will support new cycleways and other active transport infrastructure including BusConnects, improved pedestrian facilities. We need more continuous and segregated cycleways especially in urban centres, safe counter-flow cycle lanes, secure cycle stands in towns and at schools, and safe routes for school children cycling to school.

Accessible Public Spaces: Town and city centres should be designed to be walkable spaces, not dominated by cars

Cycling Officers: ensure every LA has a dedicated full time Cycling Officer to promote cycling and insist on primacy for cycling and pedestrian improvements in any road project.

What would you do to help counter the rise of the far right, anti-immigrant and anti-LGBTQ+ hate, and anti-asylum-seeker arsons?

Support a 'welcome communities' approach working with the community and encouraging people to get involved in volunteer led integration opportunities such as conversation classes and intercultural sharing to bring communities together. Encourage local groups and residents associations to support and promote Pride events and ensure inclusivity when organising community events especially events sponsored by DCC.