
How would you help get more housing built in Fingal?

Asad Ali

Fianna Fáil

To address the housing crisis in Fingal, I would advocate for streamlined planning processes and increased investment in affordable housing projects. Collaborating with developers and community stakeholders to identify and unlock suitable sites for housing development is crucial. I will also push for sustainable and environmentally friendly building practices to ensure long-term benefits for our community. 

Declan Cairns

Sinn Féin

Sinn Féin's Alternative Budget for Housing 2024 offers detailed proposals to address the growing housing crisis, focusing on building affordable homes. It proposes an additional €1.4 billion in capital spending and €300 million in Approved Housing Body borrowing to create 21,000 social, affordable rental, and affordable purchase homes in the following year. The Alternative Budget seeks to implement a major policy change to tackle the housing crisis, which has worsened under past and present governments.

The Sinn Féin team has brought up issues at local and council meetings concerning tenant in situ details, highlighting the importance of supporting tenants who have been served eviction notices. With numerous landlords opting to sell in the private market, the existing system is excessively drawn out. We are dedicated to pressing the FCC to speed up this process and persist in advocating for the use of publicly zoned residential land in Fingal to build social and affordable housing.

At the October council meeting, Sinn Féin councillors and others greenlit the subsequent phase of 300 homes with sports amenities in Churchfields, Mulhuddart. This development, spanning 37 hectares, is a segment of the Churchfields master plan. Construction, which started late the previous year, will yield 180 affordable purchase homes, 80 cost rental homes, and 40 social homes. In the end, the site will offer a total of 1,000 new homes. The project will also feature a crèche, community amenities, retail spaces, and multiple public green areas, including a linear park and the upgrade of an existing park in the vicinity.

Angela Donnelly

Sinn Féin

Sinn Féin’s Alternative Budget for Housing 2024 outlines the party’s detailed proposals to address the deepening housing crisis by focussing on the delivery of affordable homes. This includes provision for an additional €1.4bn of capital expenditure and €300m Approved Housing Body borrowing to deliver 21,000 social, affordable-rental and affordable-purchase homes next year. Our Alternative Budget would deliver the radical change of direction needed to address a housing crisis that has gone from bad to worse under this government.

The Sinn Féin team have tabled questions at both area and council meetings seeking tenant in situ information to keep the focus on those tenants that have been given a notice to quit. The current system is taking too long with many landlords opting to sell their properties in the private market. We will continue to put pressure on FCC to streamline this process. We continue to advocate for the use the public residentially zoned land in Fingal to be used to deliver social and affordable homes.

At our October council meeting we agreed the next phase of 300 homes with sporting amenities in Churchfields, Mulhuddart. The scheme consists of 37 hectares and is part of the Churchfield’s master plan. Work commenced late last year on the scheme that will deliver 180 affordable purchase homes, 80 cost rental homes and 40 social homes.

The site in its entirety will deliver 1000 new properties in total. A creche, a local community facility, retail units and a number of public green spaces will be constructed along with the mixed development, in addition to a linear park and the rejuvenation of an existing nearby park.

Ellen Murphy

Social Democrats

I think we need a county-wide land audit across Fingal to identify areas where we can build public housing on public land. I also think our planning regulations have to take into account future growth not just the current population. We have to be planning for housing demand 10-20 years in advance. In an ideal world, with the support of the government, I would like to see a national public construction company which was tasked with building local property for public use.

What would you do to help make sure adequate amenities and services would be added along with any new housing built?

Asad Ali

Fianna Fáil

Ensuring that new housing developments are accompanied by essential amenities and services is a priority. I would work to implement comprehensive planning that integrates schools, healthcare facilities, recreational areas, and commercial centers into new developments. Close collaboration with local authorities and community groups will be vital to meet the diverse needs of our growing population. 

Declan Cairns

Sinn Féin

The Sinn Féin team is committed to improving the Housing Estates alongside new developments, which were constructed with insufficient community, educational, or transport infrastructure. Many estates lack a playground for young children, with the nearest one being a considerable distance away, requiring a drive or a long walk. Efforts are also underway to improve regions lacking sufficient amenities. The Fingal County Council has conducted a play review for Dublin 15, identifying the areas that require additional play facilities for children.

The Development Plan, adopted last year, firmly endorses the inclusion of amenities and services. Developments approved in Fingal have integrated these elements into their plans, and the timing of this work is crucial. The construction of homes must proceed concurrently with the necessary infrastructure.

Angela Donnelly

Sinn Féin

Accommodation alone does not make a community. We have all seen how the disastrous planning decisions of previous governments have impacted on communities. In Dublin West huge housing estates were built with little of no community, education or transport infrastructure to support it. The Development Plan adopted last year strongly supports amenities and services. Developments given the green light in Fingal, have these incorporated within their plans, the phasing of this work is paramount. The homes cannot be built without the accompanying infrastructure. There is also work being undertaken to address areas without adequate amenities. FCC recently carried out a play review for Dublin 15 which has highlighted those areas needing play facilities for children. We are lucky to have adequate community centres, although there is significant work required on some to bring them up to standard. Hartstown Community Centre, on which I am a board member is about to undergo a major refurbishment following it being taken over by FCC a year ago. Corduff Resource centre will shortly close for major refurbishment also.

Ellen Murphy

Social Democrats

Consultation with communities as part of planning will be important to make sure we put in place what is needed from community centres to green space to playgrounds. We also have to make sure all our development is accessible to the entire population which is why they have to be accessibility proofing our plans before going out to tender.

What are your views are on Dublin Airport’s current operations and its proposed expansion?

Asad Ali

Fianna Fáil

Dublin Airport is a significant economic driver for the region, but its operations must balance growth with community well-being. I support the airport’s expansion plans, provided they include robust environmental safeguards and noise mitigation measures. Engaging with local residents to address their concerns will be a key part of my approach to ensure the airport’s development benefits all stakeholders. 

Declan Cairns

Sinn Féin

The plans are indeed impressive, and the DAA offers a remarkable service. However, the lack of consultation with residents and adherence to planning agreements (a point of contention with the DAA) has led to legal action by both FCC and the DAA. Numerous motions have been presented to the council, with Ann Graves, the SF councillor for Swords, spearheading efforts to support residents affected by noise from additional nighttime flights deviating from their designated path.

Angela Donnelly

Sinn Féin

The plans are very impressive and the DAA provide a fantastic service however consultation with residents and adherence to planning agreements (this is disputed by the DAA) has been lacking with legal action being taken by both FCC and the DAA. There have been many motions brought before the council, Ann Graves, the SF councillor for Swords have been leading the charge in supporting residents in relation to noise from the additional nighttime flights that were taking an incorrect path.

Ellen Murphy

Social Democrats

Currently, we need huge investment in transport links at the airport. Express buses from the airport to key locations are needed. The delivery of Metro North would also be welcome but in the meantime, I think dedicated, reliable and free buses from the airport direct to Dublin City, Dublin County - such as places like my home area of Dublin 15 - Kildare, Meath and Louth would be a good start. 

Having these in place could massively reduce the number of cars on the roads surrounding the airport. I personally would not be in favour of any more expansion of Dublin Airport. At the end of the day, our climate challenges are such that we need to see a reduction in the amount of commercial flights, not an increase. While I appreciate there is a lot of money to be made for airlines if we were to expand, it is not to the overall benefit of our county or our climate to do so. Local communities are also already telling us that they are struggling with noise and congestion from the airport as is and I believe the council should take that seriously.

What needs to be done to improve public transport in Fingal?

Asad Ali

Fianna Fáil

Improving public transport in Fingal requires a multifaceted approach. I will advocate for increased frequency and coverage of bus and rail services, particularly in underserved areas. Investment in sustainable transport options, such as electric buses and improved cycling infrastructure, is essential. Ensuring that public transport is accessible and affordable for all residents will be a cornerstone of my policy.

Declan Cairns

Sinn Féin

While the Dart + West is a long-awaited addition for Dublin West residents, it remains years away. Dublin 15 urgently requires public transport access to the airport. The BusConnects project is slated to provide this service; however, despite initial promises for a 2024 launch, it has now been postponed to the following year.

The BusConnects project has pledged numerous improvements, many of which are eagerly anticipated. Nonetheless, not all proposals have been met with approval, and the Sinn Féin team in Dublin West is committed to seeking viable solutions for the community. A current concern in Dublin 15 is the prevalence of 'ghost buses'—buses that fail to appear as scheduled. This issue was brought to the attention of the National Transport Authority (NTA) following a motion I presented, which called for a meeting with the area committee. The NTA attributed these occurrences to staff shortages, assuring that staffing levels have since been rectified. Despite these assurances, the problem persists, and it continues to be addressed with the NTA, at the council level, and in the Dáil by Paul Donnelly TD.

Angela Donnelly

Sinn Féin

Although Dart + West will be welcomed by the residents of Dublin West, it is many years down the road. Dublin 15 needs public transport to the airport. Bus connects is set to deliver this but although promised for 2024, it has been pushed back to next year.

The bus connects project has made a lot of promises, most of which are very welcome, but some are not and the SF team in Dublin West will continue to advocate for acceptable solutions for residents. Currently there is an issue in Dublin 15 with buses not turning up, so called ghost buses, which was raised with the NTA, when I tabled a motion requesting that they meet with the area committee.

Staff shortages were cited as the reason for this and the NTA assured us that there staffing levels are now adequate. The problem still persists however, and the issue continues to be raised directly with the NTA, at council level and in the Dáil by Paul Donnelly TD.

Ellen Murphy

Social Democrats

Quite simply, buses. Buses are quick to order and deliver, their routes can be changed as needed and they are the best means of reducing overall road traffic in our area. There should be no longer than a 15-minute wait for a bus in Fingal, and there should be routes around the county, not just heading in and out of the city. You should be able to get a bus from Littlepace to Hunstown to Malahide if you want, and not have to wait longer than 15 minutes for your bus to arrive.

What should be done to make it nicer and safer for people to get around the city on foot and by bike?

Asad Ali

Fianna Fáil

To enhance pedestrian and cycling safety, I would promote the development of dedicated bike lanes and pedestrian pathways. Traffic calming measures and improved street lighting can significantly increase safety. Additionally, I will support initiatives that encourage walking and cycling, such as community programs and educational campaigns, to foster a culture of active transportation. 

Declan Cairns

Sinn Féin

As a Sinn Féin Representative for the Ongar LEA, I often receive messages from residents concerning speeding and hazardous parking. Fingal County Council is set to install ramps in busy areas, but this requires the consent of most residents and approval by the Gardaí, which can be challenging to obtain. Building a case involves compiling a record of reported incidents to the Gardaí in the affected area. All our residential areas enforce a 30kph speed limit, clearly indicated by signs. While residents may hesitate to report dangerous driving by their neighbors to the Gardaí, it is a necessary step in addressing the issue. Dangerous parking, often linked to inadequate housing, presents a significant challenge. It's not uncommon for homes to house six adults due to insufficient public transport, leading to three or four cars per household. Consequently, residents struggle with parking, often resorting to corners and grass verges, which obstructs visibility and damages the verges.

I have requested that the traffic engineer examine these concerns to identify potential solutions. For instance, on the slip road from the N3 to Littlepace, we at Dublin West Sinn Féin proposed making the left lane a left-turn only to alleviate traffic congestion backing up onto the N3. The traffic engineer implemented this change, significantly improving traffic flow in the area. Additionally, a Variable Message Sign (VAS) has been installed on the Ongar Distributor Road following further representations.

Angela Donnelly

Sinn Féin

A lot of work has been undertaken to improve cycling and walking infrastructure in Fingal. In Dublin West we have several new cycle lanes. The design of these is improving constantly as there were mistakes made initially, in my opinion. The Hartstown/Huntstown cycle lanes were not welcomed by many residents of Dublin 15 and the poles are not aesthetically appealing, but the lanes are being used more and more now. I have submitted many representations about the upkeep of the cycle lanes to ensure they are maintained to an acceptable standard.

I’m a board member of Blanchardstown Centre for Independent Living. We help those in our community live independently. Trip hazards are a major problem for those residents who have limited mobility/sight, older residents with walking aids and parents pushing prams. I have submitted over 1,000 representations to FCC in the two years since my co-option, over half of which related to trip hazards, that were addressed by the operation’s team.

Ellen Murphy

Social Democrats

An accessibility audit of all our public spaces such as footpaths, pedestrian crossings and public transport would help. Future planning for the city and towns in Fingal should have to meet accessibility requirements for everyone with mobility issues. Delineated cycle lanes with feeder lanes for bikes on busy roads would also be useful.

What should be done to make the roads safer for all road users?

Asad Ali

Fianna Fáil

Road safety can be improved through better infrastructure, such as well-designed intersections, clear signage, and regular maintenance. I will push for stringent enforcement of traffic laws to deter reckless driving and promote safe driving practices. Implementing educational programs that emphasize road safety for all users, including drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, is also essential. 

Declan Cairns

Sinn Féin

Significant efforts have been made to enhance the cycling and walking infrastructure in Fingal. Dublin West now boasts several new cycle lanes, whose designs are continually improving following initial errors, such as bus stops placed in the middle of lanes instead of routing the bike lane around the bus stop, in my view. The Hartstown/Huntstown cycle lanes initially faced opposition from many Dublin 15 residents due to their unattractive poles, yet they are increasingly being utilized. The Dublin West Sinn Féin team has made numerous submissions regarding the maintenance of these cycle lanes to ensure they meet a satisfactory standard.

For residents with limited mobility or sight, the elderly using walking aids, and parents with strollers, trip hazards pose a significant issue. Since showing interest in running for council, I have made several CRM submissions to Fingal County Council, more than half concerning trip hazards, which were subsequently addressed by the operations team.

Angela Donnelly

Sinn Féin

As a councillor I receive many communications from residents about speeding and dangerous parking. FCC will introduce ramps into areas that are thoroughfares but there needs to be agreement from the majority of the residents and the gardai have to approve it. This is difficult to achieve, and a case need to be built with a record of reports to gardai of incidences in the area of concern.

All our housing estates have a 30kph speed limit and there are signs in every estate to inform residents of this. People don’t like to inform the guards of dangerous driving by their neighbours but unfortunately it is necessary if we are to tackle it.

Dangerous parking is a very difficult issue to address and goes back to the lack of housing for residents. Houses with six adults in them is not unusual, because of our inadequate public transport. This results in 3 to 4 cars in some houses. Those residents struggle to find parking and so park on corners and grass verges which cause problems with sight lines and damage to the grass verges.

I have asked out traffic engineer to investigate many of these issues to see if solutions can be found. On the slip road from the N3 to Littlepace I asked that the left lane be made left turn only, as the traffic was backing up down the N3. The traffic engineer agreed to this, and it has made a huge difference to the traffic flow in the area. A further representation has resulted in VAS sign on the Ongar Distributor Road.

Ellen Murphy

Social Democrats

In highly residential areas I think reduced speed limits would be helpful. In roads adjacent to residential areas I think 30km per hour is a reasonable limit. In Fingal, we also have a lot of narrow roads which could be widened, road signage which is in need of cleaning, and I also think extending the time allowed for green lights at pedestrian crossings should be implemented.

How would you help create more natural green spaces and promote biodiversity in Fingal?

Asad Ali

Fianna Fáil

Creating and preserving natural green spaces is vital for environmental and community health. I will advocate for the protection of existing green areas and the development of new parks and nature reserves. Promoting biodiversity through community-led conservation projects and partnerships with environmental organizations will be a key focus. I will also support policies that integrate green spaces into urban planning to ensure access for all residents. 

Declan Cairns

Sinn Féin

Dublin West boasts numerous green spaces and parks. Councillor Angela has proposed a motion to rezone the community allotment in Powerstown as open space, ensuring its protection for the future. It serves as an excellent amenity and a vital hub for biodiversity, which is increasingly necessary.

Fingal County Council has committed to 100 actions to enhance biodiversity, including the introduction of wildflower meadows on many roundabouts and appropriate green spaces. All parks feature natural areas, and hundreds of new trees have been planted. Regular clean-ups are conducted, and wildflower meadows have been established in areas that were previously overgrown.

Angela Donnelly

Sinn Féin

We are lucky in Dublin West to have a lot of green areas and parks. I submitted a motion to rezone our community allotment in Powerstown to open space to protect the allotments going forward. It is a great amenity and a fantastic biodiversity hub which we need more of.

FCC has agreed to 100 biodiversity actions and wildflower meadows are introduced on many of our roundabouts and suitable green areas. All of our parks have wild areas and there have been hundreds of new trees planted. I’m a member of Clonsilla Tidy Towns and only last month planted tree whips on an area of greenspace on the Clonsilla road.

Ellen Murphy

Social Democrats

This can not happen without planning and budgeting. There are key biodiversity areas all over Fingal from our coasts to our canal ways. Expert staff should be hired and trained to make a 50-year plan for enriching the biodiversity we have already and for how what is already in place could be enriched. One simple measure such as only planting native trees and shrubs across the county should be adopted by the council.

How would you help get more parks and sports facilities built in Fingal?

Asad Ali

Fianna Fáil

To increase the number of parks and sports facilities, I will champion investments in recreational infrastructure. Collaborating with local sports clubs and community groups to identify needs and secure funding will be a priority. This issue is particularly close to my heart, as I have been a professional athlete throughout my life, competing in martial arts both domestically and internationally. I am well-known in the local community for my contributions to sports activities. I will work to ensure that these facilities are inclusive and accessible, providing opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to engage in sports and outdoor activities. 

Declan Cairns

Sinn Féin

The plans for the new Corduff FC football grounds and adjacent park were presented to the public for feedback. After some adjustments from the public consultation, the plans for Corduff FC's facilities in Corduff are now excellent, featuring sports facilities, a play area, and a biodiversity zone. This will be our model moving forward.

Sports clubs are crucial to our community, and I collaborate closely with local clubs to enhance their facilities. Together with Cllr Angela Donnelly, we succeeded in getting a motion passed for lighting in Hartstown Park, ensuring children can safely walk to the all-weather facility during dark evenings.

It's unacceptable that many clubs in Fingal lack proper facilities and changing rooms in 2024, especially for our girls and young women whom we want to keep engaged in sports.

FCC launched a transition year girls' soccer program that was immensely successful last year, building on the longstanding boys' program. These initiatives are vital for keeping our youth engaged in sports. I am committed to providing the necessary facilities and will continue to champion this cause.

Moreover, efforts are being made to engage the entire community in activities. The new Arch club, Thrive, for children with dyspraxia in Dublin 15, offers a secure environment for sports. The highly popular skate park in Millennium Park should be replicated. Significant efforts have been made to promote cycling for all ages and abilities. Sport should be inclusive, and I am dedicated to supporting this ethos.

Angela Donnelly

Sinn Féin

We just recently approved the plans, after some tweaking following public consultation, for Corduff FC’s facilities in Corduff. The plans are fantastic with sporting facilities, a play area and a biodiversity area included. This is the template we must use going forward.

Sports clubs are a vital part of our community and I work closely with those in my area to help them improve their facilities. I got a motion passed for lighting in Hartstown park to enable children from the area walk to the all-weather facility safely on dark evenings.

There are many clubs in Fingal that do not have adequate facilities and no changing facilities which is unacceptable in 2024, particularly for our girls and young women that we are trying to encourage to continue their sporting involvement.

FCC starting a transition year programme for girls soccer which was hugely successful last year. This follows on from the boy’s programme that has been in place many years. All these actions help to keep our children playing sport. We need to play our part by providing facilities for these and I will continue to advocate for that.

In addition to parks and sports facilities there is work undertaken to include all our community in activities. A new Arch club, Thrive, was just recently set up for children with dyspraxia in Dublin 15, this allows those children to play sports in a safe environment. There is a skate park in the Millennium Park that is hugely successful that needs to be replicated elsewhere. A lot of work has been done to encourage cycling by people of all ages and abilities. Sport is for everyone and should be inclusive. I will do whatever I can to promote that.

Ellen Murphy

Social Democrats

I would propose local legislation requiring a park and sports facility to be available within 5km of every housing estate. This would be part of the planning regulations if adopted by the council.